The mission of the Academy is "the Cultivation and Improvement of the Science and Art of Surgery, the Elevation of the Medical Profession, [and] the Promotion of the Public Health..."
To become a Fellow of the Academy, The candidate must be a Medical Doctor or Doctor of Osteopathy who has graduated from a reputable School of Medicine or Osteopathy and is either board certified in a surgical specialty by an American Board of Medical Specialties Board or a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons. “Those wishing to participate in the scientific mission of the Academy must be proposed for Fellowship by a Fellow in good standing. The proposal must be supported by one other Fellow in good standing.” The candidate for Fellowship must receive the approval of the Council at two Council meetings before the candidate's name may be presented to the Academy as a candidate for election. The candidate must meet such other requirements as are, from time to time, stipulated by the By-Laws.
Proposals shall be considered by the Council upon receipt the sponsorship attestation by two fellows. Fellows interested in proposing or supporting a candidate may fill out the form here.
A curriculum vitae can be sent and any questions addressed to the Philadelphia Academy of Surgery via email (info@philaacademyofsurgery.org).
Since the founding of the Academy, it has conferred Honorary Fellowships on surgeons who were noteworthy nationally and internationally. In 1881, Samuel D. Gross, the Founding President, suggested a list of 13 surgeons, all of whom were elected. Others have been elected on occasion since, including the 50th, 75th and 100th anniversaries of the Academy and the Millennium of 2000. The last ceremony was held in front of the Gross Clinic at the Thomas Jefferson University. The highlight was the brilliant description of Thomas Eakins' famous painting given by former Academy President and noted Gross historian, Frederick A. Wagner, then in his 80's and totally blind.
Elected 1881
Sir James Paget, London, England
W. W. Dawson, Cincinnati, OH
Theodor Billroth, Vienna, Austria
T. G. Richardson, New Orleans, LA
Bernhard von Langenbeck, Berlin, Germany
J. Collins Warren, Boston, MA
Willard Parker, New York, NY
W. T. Briggs, Nashville, TN
Lewis A. Sayre, New York, NY
Christopher Johnston, Baltimore, MD
Moses Gunn, Chicago, IL
D. W. Yandell, Louisville, KY
John T. Hodgen, St. Louis, MO
Elected 1898
Maurice H. Richardson, Boston, MA
Nicholas Senn, Chicago, IL
George M. Sternberg, Washington, DC
Theodore F. Prewitt, St. Louis, MO
Charles H. McBurney, New York, NY
Hunter McGuire, Richmond, VA
L. McLane Tiffany, Baltimore, MD
Nathaniel P. Dandridge, Cincinnati, OH
Roswell Park, Buffalo, NY
Robert F. Weir, New York, NY
Frederick S. Dennis, New York, NY
Elected 1900
W. H. A. Jacobson, London, England
Theodore Kocher, Berne, Switzerland
Vincenz Czerny, Heidelberg, Germany
Elected 1906
Dudley P. Allen, Cleveland, OH
Robert Abbe, New York, NY
C. B. G. de Nancrede, Ann Arbor, MI
William J. Mayo, Rochester, MN
Elected 1907
John C. Munro, Boston, MA
Elected 1908
J. Ewing Mears, Philadelphia, PA
Elected 1909
Lewis Stephen Pilcher, Brooklyn, NY
Elected 1916
Wm. W. Keen, Philadelphia, PA
Elected 1920
Henry R. Wharton, Philadelphia, PA
Elected 1927
J. Chalmers DaCosta, Philadelphia, PA
Elected 1929
D'Arcy Power, London, England
Albin Lambotte, Esneux, Belgium
Henri Hartmann, Paris, France
Theodore Tuffier, Paris, France
Joseph Guyot, Bordeaux, France
Georges Jeanneney, Bordeaux, France
Fritz de Quervain, Berne, Switzerland
Berkeley Moynihan, Leeds, England
Harvey Cushing, Boston, MA
Edward W. Archibald, Montreal, Canada
John M. T. Finney, Baltimore, MD
Evarts Graham, St. Louis, MO
Ellsworth Elliot, Jr., New York, NY
Rudolph Matas, New Orleans, LA
Dean D. Lewis, Baltimore, MD
Eugene H. Pool, New York, NY
George W. Crile, Cleveland, OH
Edward Starr Judd, Rochester, MN
Dallas B. Phemister, Chicago, IL
Elected 1933
John H. Jopson, Mills, NC
Elected 1954
Harold Foss, Danville, PA
Digby Chamberlain, Leeds, England
Fred Coller, Ann Arbor, MI
Howard Nafziger, San Francisco, CA
Arthur Allen, Boston, MA
Erik Husfeldt, Copenhagen, Denmark
Allen O. Whipple, New York, NY
Sir James Patterson Ross, London, England
Elected 1979
J. Englebert Dunphy, San Francisco, CA
Francis D. Moore, Boston, MA
Owen Wangensteen, Minneapolis, MN
Clarence Crafoord, Sweden
John Goligher, Leeds, England
Rodney Smith, The Right Hon. Lord of Marlow, London England
William Longmire, Los Angeles, CA
David Sabiston, Durham, NC
Robert Zollinger, Columbus, OH
Elected 1989
Michael DeBakey, Houston, TX
Elected 2000
Judah Folkman, Boston, MA
John L. Cameron, Baltimore, MD
Lazar J. Greenfield, Ann Arbor, MI
James D. Hardy, Jackson, MS
Alden H. Harken, Denver, CO
Claude H. Organ, Jr., Oakland, CA
Basil A. Pruitt, Jr., San Antonio, TX
George F. Sheldon, Chapel Hill, NC
Frank C. Spencer, New York, NY
Thomas E. Starzl, Pittsburgh, PA
Donald D. Trunkey, Portland, OR
Douglas W. Wilmore, Boston MA
Elected 2006
R. Scott Jones, Charlottesville, VA
Elected 2013
Stanley J. Dudrick, Naugatuck, CT
Dr. Abhijit S. Pathak
Dr. Adrian Lopez
Dr. Alan Schuricht
Dr. Aley Tohamy
Dr. Ali Naji
Dr. Alina Mateo
Dr. Alliric Willis
Dr. Allison Aggon
Dr. Amit Joshi
Dr. Amy Goldberg
Dr. Andrea Porpoglia
Dr. Andrew Morgan
Dr. Anthony Villano
Dr. Antonio DiCarlo
Dr. Arthur Frankel (Retired)
Dr. Ari Brooks
Dr. Aron Wahrman
Dr. Asanthi Ratnasekera
Dr. Austin Williams
Dr. Babak Abai
Dr. Batholomew Tortella
Dr. Benjamin Chang
Dr. Benjamin Braslow
Dr. Bernard Boulanger
Dr. Brendan G. O'Connell
Dr. Bradford Carter
Dr. Candace R. Chipman
Dr. Carlo B. Ramirez
Dr. Carmine Volpe
Dr. Catherine Loveland-Jones
Dr. Catherine Plzak
Dr. Charles D. Long
Dr. Charles J. Yeo
Dr. Dahlia Sataloff
Dr. Daniel Dempsey (Retired)
Dr. Daniel Hashimoto
Dr. David Lapham
Dr. David Clements III
Dr. David Shersher
Dr. David Tichansky
Dr. Douglas Fraker
Dr. Edward Doolin
Dr. Erica Pettke
Dr. Erika Lindholm
Dr. Elizabeth Renza Stingone
Dr. Fernando Bonanni
Dr. Francis R. Spitz
Dr. Francesca Delach
Dr. Franscesco Palazzo
Dr. Frank Koniges
Dr. Gary S. Finkelstein (Retired)
Dr. Giorgos Karakousis
Dr. Harish Lavu
Dr. Henry Pitt (Retired)
Dr. James Alexander
Dr. James McClurken (Retired)
Dr. Jason Castellanos
Dr. Jay Jenoff
Dr. Jeffrey Carpenter
Dr. Jeffrey Farma
Dr. Jeffrey L. Butcher
Dr. Jeffrey W. Kolff
Dr. Jeremy W. Cannon
Dr. Jerome Vernick (Retired)
Dr. Jesse Taylor
Dr. Jo Buyske
Dr. John Ciley (Retired)
Dr. John Clarke
Dr. John Fischer
Dr. John Jacob
Dr. John Marks
Dr. John Phu
Dr. Jon B. Morris
Dr. Jonathan Rhoads Jr. (Retired)
Dr. Joseph J. Curci (Retired)
Dr. Joseph F. Harryhill
Dr. Joseph V. Lombardi
Dr. Joseph Serletti
Dr. Joshua Bleier
Dr. Joshua Marks
Dr. Julia C. Tchou
Dr. Julia Haller
Dr. Karen J. Kish
Dr. Karyn Butler MD
Dr. Kay Yoon-Flannery
Dr. Kelvin Kwan N. Lau
Dr. Kenneth Chavin
Dr. Kent Haas
Dr. Konstadinos Plestis
Dr. Kristin M. Noonan
Dr. Larry Kaiser (Retired)
Dr. L. Scott Levin
Dr. Leon Kushnir
Dr. Lindsay Kuo
Dr. Lino Miele
Dr. Linwood Haith
Dr. Lisa Reid
Dr. Lola (Fayanju) Oluwadamilola
Dr. Luca Giordano
Dr. Maj. Ken Lee IV
Dr. Marc Neff
Dr. Maria Altieri
Dr. Maureen Morre
Dr. Mark P. Solomon
Dr. Marshall Schwartz (Retired)
Dr. Mary Lou Patton (Retired)
Dr. Matthew Lawrence
Dr. Matthew Philp
Dr. Melissa Lazar
Dr. Michael Acker
Dr. Michael Nooromid
Dr. Michael Pucci (Retired)
Dr. Michael Weingarten
Dr. N. Scott Adzick
Dr. Najjia N. Mahmoud
Dr. Neena Kau Singh
Dr. Ned Z. Carp
Dr. Nicholas Petrelli
Dr. Nicole Saur
Dr. Niels Martin
Dr. Orlando Kirton
Dr. Paul Curcillo
Dr. Pauline Park
Dr. Rachel Kelz
Dr. Rajeev Prasad
Dr. Randy M. Stevens
Dr. Rebecca Fishman
Dr. Rene Tholey
Dr. Richard Bleicher
Dr. Robert A. Jubelirer
Dr. Robert Josloff
Dr. Robert Krouse
Dr. Robert Roses
Dr. Robert Mark Simons
Dr. Robert Sataloff
Dr. Robert Uzzo
Dr. Rohit Patel
Dr. Rohit Soans
Dr. Ronald DeMatteo
Dr. Ryan Gruner
Dr. Sami Tannouri
Dr. Sanjay Reddy
Dr. Sean P. Harbison
Dr. Shaheen Timmapuri
Dr. Shari N. Reid
Dr. Stefanie E. Nolano
Dr. Stephanie Greco
Dr. Stephen Chidyllo
Dr. Stephen Dunn
Dr. Steven Marra
Dr. Steven Ross
Dr. Sunil Karhadkar
Dr. Sunny Fink
Dr. Talar Tatarian
Dr. Teralyn Carter
Dr. Thomas L. Bauer II
Dr. Thomas Evans
Dr. Thomas A. Santora
Dr. Tricia A. Kelly
Dr. Umur Atabek
Dr. Victoria Gershuni
Dr. Wilbur B. Bowne
Dr. William C. Meyers
Dr. Young K. Hong